
We express our gratitude, first, to the many talented faculty who nominated their students’ essays for publication, without whom this issue would not have been possible. Instructors whose students’ work is featured in this volume include Aaron Bremyer, Katie Bugyis, Beth Capdevielle, Patrick Clauss, Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, Ian Gerdon, Barbara Green, Sally Hansen, Vittoria Hosley, Whitney Lew James, Nicole Maclaughlin, Michelle Marvin, Sara Maurer, Erin McLaughlin, Nathaniel Myers, Jake Schepers, Jessica Shumake, Aldo Tagliabue, and Joanna Lin Want.

Special thanks are due to members of the editorial board, a team of volunteers who devoted considerable time and energy to the task of choosing the very best essays from over eighty submissions.

We are especially grateful to a number of people whose contributions can be felt across this volume. Assistant Editor Laura MacGowan was invaluable for her work in reading essays, proofing, and, most importantly, sharing her clear-sighted, thoughtful and discerning insights during the selection process. It was a pleasure working with her on this issue. Sheila Christophorou, Administrative Coordinator in the University Writing Program, was an integral part of many logistical elements of the issue, not least some of our primary communications. And previous editor Erin McLaughlin has been a consistent source of guidance over the years, but we are especially appreciative for her support during one crucial part of the editing process.

We wish to extend further thanks to Bridget Hoyt, Curator of Education at the Snite Museum of Art, as well as to the members of the web and resource team in Notre Dame’s Hesburgh Library, who, in addition to their normal support, oversaw and implemented a refresh to the journal website—they include Melissa Harden, Robert Fox, Paul Weikel, and Dan Wolfe, among others. All provided their guidance and support at various stages of the issue’s development, and Volume 22 would not be complete without their excellent work.

Of course, the issue would not exist at all without the many students whose work was submitted for publication this year. Fresh Writing exists in celebration of student writing, whether or not it is featured in any given issue.

Finally, to the authors included in this volume, it is with great pride and gratitude that we present your ideas and commitments to the Notre Dame community and beyond. We are excited to provide you with a space to captivate the minds of your potential readers, as you have captivated ours.

As always, thanks for your support of Fresh Writing.

Joanna Lin Want and Nathaniel Myers, Co-Editors